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Welcome to our central location for manuals, certificates, articles and other important information about our on-site test kits.

Emport LLC offers food safety tests that combine user-friendly design with rigorous scientific standards.

Whether your specific concerns are with allergens, gluten, safe water or fryer oil quality, our products fit easily into your existing food safety program and can be used by teams of any experience level. Emport can help you meet your food safety standards, as well as meet the food hazard criteria in your HACCP, HARPC or FSMA control plans.

Access this page to download manuals, validation studies and Safety Data Sheets.

Not finding what you’re looking for?

Additional resources can be downloaded from our Best Practices page.

GlutenTox Pro Controls consists of two powders in matching vials. The negative powder has been extensively tested and will always contain no detectable gluten. The positive powder will contain appx 40ppm – 80ppm gluten. These can be used for internal validation, matrix testing, or training. 

Available for online purchase – or, free on request with your first GlutenTox order 

Read our article on working with Pos/Neg Controls

No additional equipment is needed to use GlutenTox Pro or GlutenTox Pro Surface, but you may wish to have a digital scale sensitive to 0.1g. Contact us for suggestions. 

GlutenTox Sticks Plus requires equipment; contact us for a quote.

Validation sheets and SDS are available for all AlerTox Sticks kits. Contact us for details.

AlerTox kitTests/KitKit numberPrice
AlerTox Almond10KT-6127 / KIT3033$180
AlerTox Crustacean10KT-6126 / KIT3036$180
AlerTox Egg10KT-5899 / KIT3025$180
AlerTox Fish10KT-6131 / KIT3038$180
AlerTox Hazelnut10KT-6129 / KIT3035$180
AlerTox Milk10KT-6495 / KIT3015$180
AlerTox Mustard10KT-6370 / KIT3040$180
AlerTox Peanut10KT-6194 / KIT3094$180
AlerTox Sesame10KT-6142 / KIT3096$180
AlerTox Soy PLUS10KT-6124 / KIT3097$180
AlerTox Walnut10KT-6192 / KIT3092$180

In some cases, additional materials or equipment is suggested. For instance:

  • Grinder, mortar or any other manual or automatic homogenization system to crush the sample
  • Scissors
  • Optional: digital scale sensitive to 0.1 g

There may be additional requirements for each individual allergen kit. Please check the manual. Contact us with questions.

No additional equipment is needed for this kit.

Validation data is available on request.

Rapid Protein Swabs

Emport carries

AllerSnap®, 100 swabs/case — most sensitive option

PRO-Clean®, 100 swabs/case — most inexpensive option

Check the shop for current pricing.

AllerSnap® and PRO-Clean® can indicate the presence or absence of protein residue on any working surface. They are not specific to allergens; any protein will trigger a reaction. The test is easy: swab the testing area and snap the bulb to release a reagent. Wait, potentially with an incubator, than observe the color change in the sample tube. Green means clean and purple means re-clean.

To use AllerSnap®, incubate the swabs in a heating block for 5-30 minutes then match the color to the chart: . The incubator is a necessary piece of equipment for AllerSnap®; the tests will not be as sensitive without heated incubation.

The swabbing and interpreting procedures are the same for PRO-Clean®, however no incubation is necessary. The swabs are less sensitive than AllerSnap, and may take longer to provide results.

Both kits use the biuret method, a colorimetric technique specific for proteins and peptides. Copper salts in alkaline solution form a purple complex with substances containing two or more peptide bonds. The absorbance produced is proportional to the number of peptide bonds that are reacting and therefore to the number of protein molecules present in the reaction system ~Read the article on Science Direct

AllerSnap™ Product Features

  • 100 swabs/case
  • Easy to use and activate
  • Results in 5-15 minutes depending on sensitivity requirements
  • Separate incubator required
  • Proactive, qualitative approach to verification
  • Broad range, non-specific protein screening
  • Eliminates mistakes and waste
  • No separate wetting agent or reconstitution step required

AllerSnap™ Product Specifications

  • Pre-moistened swab provides reliable collection and consistently reliable results
  • Patented Snap-Valve™ technology – snap & squeeze
  • Write-on swab tube label
  • Temperature stable, sensitive liquid-stable chemistry
  • Small, light-weight device
  • Low carbon foot print (100% recyclable)
  • Adjustable Sensitivity: Detects 5 or 10 µg protein depending on incubation time and temperature

PRO-Clean™ Product Features

  • 100 swabs/case
  • No incubator or equipment needed
  • Easy to use and activate
  • Results in 1-10 minutes depending on sensitivity requirements
  • Sensitive to 20 μg
  • Proactive, qualitative approach to verification
  • Broad range, non-specific protein screening
  • Eliminates mistakes and waste
  • No separate wetting agent or reconstitution step required

PRO-Clean™ Product Specifications

  • Pre-moistened swab provides reliable collection and consistently reliable results
  • Patented Snap-Valve™ technology – snap & squeeze
  • Write-on swab tube label
  • Temperature stable, sensitive liquid-stable chemistry
  • Small, light-weight device
  • Low carbon foot print (100% recyclable)

Storage Temperature for AllerSnap® or PRO-Clean®
Store at 2 – 25 °C (36 – 77 °F)
Devices have an 18-month shelf life. Check expiration date
on label.

AllerSnap® and PRO-Clean® devices are made of 100% recyclable plastic and may be discarded accordingly.

Safety & Precautions
Components of AllerSnap® and PRO-Clean® do not pose any risk to health when used in accordance with standard laboratory practices.

Species Detected and MatrixTests/KitKit numberPrice
Cow – Product Test5SP-1056$95
Horse – Product Test5SP-1258$95
Pig – Product Test5SP-1662$95
Poultry – Product Test5SP-1786$95
Sheep – Product Test5SP-1829$95
Cow – Surface Test5SP-2035$95
Pig – Surface Test5SP-2314$95
Poultry – Surface Test5SP-2664$95
Sheep – Surface Test5SP-2942$95

Emport's Support Services & Products

Emport offers free video training sessions, tailored to your team’s needs and scheduled at the time that’s best for you.

Training sessions are designed to increase user confidence and reduce user error during on-site gluten testing. Thanks to simple video technology, an Emport staff member can be available whenever is best for your busy quality assurance professionals. In a custom-tailored training session, food safety team members can address site-specific concerns and also learn how GlutenTox Pro can test foods and surfaces for gluten.

We are happy to provide a self-administered quiz for trainees as well as documented training confirmation for your files.

Contact us to set up a session.

Are you required to run periodic proficiency tests? Do you want to assess your QA team’s allergen detection capabilities? Incorporating proficiency testing into your food safety plan is a great way to boost customer confidence, and can help maintain SQF compliance. And while it’s very possible to design a PT program in-house, using an accredited provider has advantages. The following Proficiency tests are available through our online shop: Crustacean Egg Gluten Milk Peanut Soy When you order, we’ll enroll you in either the current study, or the next closest date to ordering. If you prefer to schedule your test further into the future, let us know when purchasing.

2024 Food Science Study Schedule

Study Number





Study Opens

Feb. 13, 2024

May 7, 2024

Aug. 6, 2024

Nov. 4, 2024

Study Closes

March 28, 2024

June 20, 2024

Sept. 19, 2024

Dec. 18, 2024

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for gluten or allergen management; every facility carries different risks and will require a different approach. However, we’ve created several tools to help you on your way. Emport LLC has published a series of free resources on topics important for allergen control: sample selection, best practices for testing, record keeping, and more.

Document Library

OnSite® III Total MilkEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III CrustaceanEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III MustardEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III SesameEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III EggEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III CaseinEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III SoyEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III Pine NutEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III Macadamia NutEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III CashewEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III HazelnutEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III Walnut and PecanEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III CoconutEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III PistachioEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III AlmondEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
OnSite® III PeanutEnglishifu-manualonsite-iii
Bio-Check UK Flowthrough™ Surface Swabs (condensed)Englishifu-manualbio-check-uk
Bio-Check UK Flowthrough™ ProductsEnglishifu-manualbio-check-uk
Bio-Check UK Flowthrough™ SwabsEnglishifu-manualbio-check-uk
NSI Proficiency TestsEnglishifu-manualnsi
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks HazelnutEnglishifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks Mustard SeedsEnglishifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks SesameEnglishifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks Total MilkEnglishifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks WalnutEnglishifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena GlutenTox® HomeEnglishifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® HomeEspañolifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® Pro SurfaceEspañolifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® Pro SurfaceEnglishifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® ELISA Rapid G12Españolifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® ELISA Rapid G12Englishifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for ReaderEspañolifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for ReaderEnglishifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® Sticks PlusEspañolifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® Sticks PlusEnglishifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® ProEnglishifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena GlutenTox® ProEspañolifu-manualglutentox
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks PeanutEnglishifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks PeanutEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks Soy PLUSEnglishifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks Soy PLUSEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks AlmondEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks CrustaceanEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks EggEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks FishEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks HazelnutEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks Mustard SeedsEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks Total MilkEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks WalnutEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks EggEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
Hygiena AlerTox® Sticks SesameEspañolifu-manualalertox-sticks
OnSite®Multiplex Tree NutEnglishifu-manualonsite
Microbiologique® Cooked Pork Meat SpeciationEnglishifu-manualspeciation