Q: Any tips for kids planning to use GlutenTox Home in their science fair projects?
A: You bet! GlutenTox Home is a great way for children to teach their classmates about gluten, and we love hearing about your projects. A few things to keep in mind:
- It’s important to analyze the test strips promptly at 10 minutes. After that, results can appear to shift: faint positives can fade or appear, and strong positives will fade a bit over time. Taking a picture at the ten minute mark is a great way to document your findings.
- Finding hidden gluten in restaurant meals can be tricky, like looking for a needle in a hay stack! The more you can homogenize (blend) your meal before taking a sample the more likely you are to catch that errant breadcrumb.
- Some items are trickier to test than others. Please do feel free to contact us with your plans so that we can help you troubleshoot any stumbling points before they happen.
- We are delighted to offer free shipping to science fair projects! Just e-mail us for the code.

Looking for some gluten testing experiments for your school Science Fair? Check out our Science Fair posts!