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Reference Materials

It’s important to have confidence in your quality control plan.

Maybe you need to validate that your allergen test kits are compatible with your facility’s matrices, and require a spiked sample. Maybe you’re training new employees on allergen testing and want to test their competence. Maybe you’ve gotten some unexpected results while running routine tests. What can you do to assure that your test kits are working for you and the results are correct? The answer: run some controlled tests.

Emport LLC offers multiple categories of reference material, suitable for both casual and formal programs. For more on the importance of validating your test kits, we’re happy to recommend this article on FoodSafetyTech

NSI Reference Materials

Reference Materials are used to assess method validation as well as to trace results to an established standard. These allergen standards, produced by NSI Lab Solutions, help provide a level of certainty to any lab or facility who needs to validate their instruments, matrices, or quality assurance staff. Standards are available at a range of allergen levels. All standards are sold in 50g increments.

Crustacean Reference Materials
Formulated using dried, characterized crab and shrimp tissue in rice flour

  • Blank Reference: Inert Blank Matrix analyzed.
  • Low Level Crustacean Allergen Reference Material (COA lists exact value.)
  • High Level Crustacean Allergen Reference Material (COA lists exact value.)

Egg Reference Materials
Formulated using characterized whole egg powder in rice flour

  • Blank Reference: Inert Blank Matrix analyzed
  • Low Level Egg Allergen Reference Material (COA lists exact value.)
  • High Level Egg Allergen Reference Material (COA lists exact value.)

Gluten Reference Materials

  • Blank Reference: Inert Blank Matrix analyzed
  • Low level Reference: certified for gluten at a nominal value of 10ppm. (COA lists exact value)
  • High level Reference: certified for gluten at or around a nominal value of 95ppm (COA lists exact value)

Milk Reference Materials
Formulated using dried whole milk powder in milk-free rice flour

  • Blank Reference: Inert Blank Matrix analyzed
  • Low Level Milk Allergen Reference Material (COA lists exact value.)
  • High Level Milk Allergen Reference Material (COA lists exact value.)

Peanut Reference Materials
Formulated using characterized peanut flour in peanut-free rice flour

  • Blank Reference: Inert Blank Matrix analyzed
  • Low Level Peanut Allergen Reference Material (COA lists exact value.)
  • High Level Peanut Allergen Reference Material (COA lists exact value.)

Soy Reference Materials
Formulated using dried, characterized soy flour in soy-free powdered matrix

  • Blank Reference: Inert Blank Matrix analyzed
  • Low Level Soy Allergen Reference Material (COA lists exact value.)
  • High Level Soy Allergen Reference Material (COA lists exact value.)

Material stores at room temperature and has been evaluated as fit for use with some lateral flow tests. Please note that these are not officially certified reference materials.

Each 50g jar is sold separately; please select your desired allergen level with care as orders are non-refundable once shipped!

Please allow 5-10 days for product to ship.

Hygiena Gluten Controls for Casual Validation

GlutenTox Controls consists of two powders in screwtop vials. The negative control has been extensively tested and will always contain no detectable gluten. The positive powder will contain more than 40ppm gluten, however the precise quantifiation will not be provided.

You can test the control materials for gluten just as you would any flour, powder, or fine crumb. Read our informative article on using Positive/Negative controls in your quality control plan.

  • For use with GlutenTox professional test kits
  • Powdered positive and negative controls
  • Use for training purposes or matrix validation
  • 10g each of blank and positive material

Hygiena Polyphenol Pack for Gluten Analysis

The Polyphenol Pack is not purely a reference material. It contains an addditive and replacement controls for use with foods high in polyphenols, antioxidants or tannins. Suitable for use with GlutenTox Sticks PLUS or GlutenTox ELISA kits. 

This item is recommended for facilities that:

  • are already using GlutenTox Sticks PLUS, or GlutenTox ELISA Rapid G12 AND
  • are testing items high in tannins, antioxidants, or polyphenols (eg cocoa powder, black tea, berry extracts).

It contains:

    • sufficient Polyphenol Additive to run 25 tests
    • positive and negative controls that contain polyphenols

Not sure if this item is for you? Call us at 412-447-1888 to chat!