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New FSMA rules impact allergen control

As of September 15, 2015 the FDA has finalized two rules under the Food Safety Modification Act of 2010 (FSMA) in order to tighten food safety standards and increase hazard and allergen control throughout every step of food production. While this is extremely good news for consumers with allergies, it also means more testing and regulation for food production companies, which is exactly where AlerTox and GlutenTox Pro kits come in to help.

The FSMA focuses on prevention of hazardous food allergens instead of reaction after problems have already occurred. The act will implement mandatory preventative testing for potentially harmful allergens using the HACCP approach, meaning products will be tested in each stage of the supply chain from raw materials to the finished product. This preventative approach will help to reduce allergic reactions and to keep all people with food allergies safe from harm.

Testing throughout each stage of production is essential to ensure food safety for consumers with allergies. Raw materials can potentially be cross contaminated when they are produced, processed, manufactured or distributed, making it essential to test throughout each step of the process to ensure an effective quality control plan.

With the dates of implementation of all seven FSMA rules rapidly approaching, the deadline of the final rule is May 31, 2016, AlerTox and GlutenTox kits are an excellent and efficient way for food production companies to test for possible allergens and comply with the FDA’s newest safety standards.

The GlutenTox line of test kits is specifically geared towards facilities that produce gluten free products for people with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Similarly, AlerTox kits are designed for people with other food allergies including milk, fruit, nuts, eggs, and fish, among other common allergens. Both lines of test kits can be used to ensure there is no contamination on production surfaces and can be used at any stage, such as in manufacturing plants where products are made or in restaurants where food is being cooked and served.

Both kits are accessible and easy to use to ensure the safety of customers with Celiac Disease and other allergies. The GlutenTox Pro has a long-lasting shelf life as to not go bad between uses, and also has an adjustable sensitivity to detect 5, 10, 20 or 40 ppm of gluten in food or on surfaces. The AlerTox Kits are another way of easily detecting allergens besides gluten. AlerTox Sticks are a rapid and reliable way to detect allergens such as casein, nuts, crustaceans, fish, soy and eggs, among others, in food and on surfaces. Each kit is specific to a different allergen and can yield results in just 10 minutes. There is no special equipment required in addition to the kits, and there are instructional videos on YouTube on how to use each one for your convenience.

With the new implementation of FSMA rules regarding allergen control, food production and manufacturing, companies are being forced to test facilities and products for potentially hazardous allergens. The ease of use and fast response of GlutenTox and AlerTox kits make them the best options for the prevention of allergens in food production. Click on the following links to learn more about GlutenTox Pro and AlerTox Kits, in addition to all we offer at Emport, LLC to ensure quality, safe, and allergen-free food.

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